Building a more resilient community by hand

Active Classes

9.13.18 The Essentials of Home Provisioning: Homemade Pasta Demo

9.13.18 The Essentials of Home Provisioning: Homemade Pasta Demo

from $35.00

Learn as culinary historian, renowned chef, and master farmer, Leni Sorensen teaches us how to make our own pasta and sauce as part of developing a sustainable home kitchen. This interactive demonstration with opportunities for hands-on participation will introduce you to the basics of home provisioning while you learn how to create and customize your own pasta dishes. Leni will weave in stories and techniques passed down from great cooks and age-old recipes. You will get to sample what is prepared and leave with the knowledge, confidence, and recipes to make your own dishes at home. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned chef, this experience will provide something for everyone. Bring an apron!

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